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🗣$CASH launched on PancakeSwap! $450k+ marketcap with 100x primed and ready.
$CASH powers all Caash Solutions (dApps) and is going to be the PayPal of crypto! We're building so you can easily receive payments with Caash Me, store and send with the Caash Wallet, trade with Caash Swap, stake for automatic $BNB with Caash Pools, and buy $CASHand $BNB from people near you with Caash Local.
Total Supply: 10,000,000 tokens
🔒 Liquidity = Locked
🧑🏽‍🚀 Dev Tokens = Locked
🔥 Buy and burn of 8% on launch
💻 Roadmap & website complete
🌐 Paid marketing underway
🚀 Fair launch, no presale
Contract Address (BSC): 0x18950820A9108A47295b40B278F243DfC5D327B5