🌀HowlCity is a metaverse blockchain world where everyone competes in racing, makes new friends, and designs their own world.🌀
🔥IN PHASE ONE, players will participate in a motorcycle racing game. Just win the game and get rewads.
🔥IN PHASE TWO, players can join a metaverse city, finish task, and interact with other players.
🔥IN PHASE THREE, players connect, speak, and exchange with each other freely, as well as design the vehicle of their dream.
🔥WE WANT TO BUILD a game that brings an infinitely relaxing and entertaining environment on top of the play-to-earn model.
🔥PLAYER CAN ENJOY the game, socialize with others, and earn money by participating in races or trading on the marketplace.
🔥THERE IS LITTLE to no entry barrier to the game, unlike most other P2E games that require users to spend thousands of dollars per in-game item just to join.