👑MatrixGPT - Multiple AI application including👑
👑 Welcome to the world of cutting-edge AI image creation, where technology meets creativity. MatrixGPT is a multiple AI application including Text-to-Image, Image-to-Image, Text-to-Speech, Talking Face and more in the future.
Let us awaken your inner artist.
👑Our flagship product
Our flagship product, MatrixGPT bot, is an AI-powered text-to-image bot, currently compatible with Telegram. Turn your words into stunning images with just a click.
Our deep learning model creates visually plausible images from textual descriptions, making image generation easier and more accessible than ever before.
👑AI Art Generator Service
Currently, all users can use our AI tool to generate an unlimited number of high-quality images FOR FREE.
In the future, we will release both Standard and Premium versions of the tool. Standard users will be able to generate a maximum of 5 images per day at no cost, while Premium users will have access to additional features, for a fee.
20% of the revenue generated will be sent to the Reward pool to reward $MAI holders.