What is USDT Staking
USDT staking is a product from Waves.Exchange and the first DeFi interchain product on the Waves blockchain. Funds are accumulated on the Waves blockchain, which are then proxied into DeFi products of the Ethereum ecosystem, including Curve, Uniswap, etc.
When staking USDT, you receive the USDTLP assets in return. USDTLP is the assurance of your funds staked to the smart contract. The USDTLP price is formed from the ratio of the amount of USDT in staking to the amount of USDTLP assets in circulation. Income in USDT is accrued daily and added to the staking pool, while USDTLP is not issued.
At any time, you can unstake USDT, i.e. exchange your USDTLP assets to USDT assets at a new, increased rate. The difference in USDTLP price when you start staking and exit staking will be your income. This difference can only be positive. You can find out more in the FAQ.